
Death by Pizza

Google “soccer benefits playing multiple positions” and you get a lot of hits. Over 84 million. That’s a lot. Somewhere out there, there must be some sites that suggest you pick your favourite position and never play anywhere else. But I didn’t find any of those sites. I did find these useful tidbits though: The

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FIFA 11+ Warm-up

A while ago, FIFA commissioned a study into injury prevention. The 11+ is what they came up with. Studies have shown that compliance with this program can significantly reduce injuries, especially serious ones. Serious injury is rare in soccer, but even minor injuries are no fun. I suspect that the injury prevention rates suffer

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Futsal vs Soccer

Introduction I hope everyone enjoyed the first futsal game. It was good fun to watch, and no doubt you have already picked up on some of the differences between futsal and outdoor soccer. Differences Futsal is obviously a very fast game compared to soccer, and each player will get many more touches of the ball.

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